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About Me

Hello, my name is Vinith Sharma. I am currently a Trinity student switching to Pratt as soon as possible. Today is 9/11/2015. I like to play chess, Frisbee (for fun), and many computer games.

My Classes

Current for my first semester, I am taking:

  1. German 89S - Monstrous Births
  2. EGR 103
  3. Math 212 - Multivariable Calculus
  4. Japanese 101

Engineering Grand Challenge Link

Laser fusion trio team up to develop clean power, Jeff Hecht, Newscientist, created 13 September 2011, accessed 11 September 2015 (General)

MATLAB Demonstration

My favourite MATLAB demonstration is Cruller because it reminds be of the dessert. It's basically a thicker version of a mobius strip.