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About Me

My name is Theresa (Tara) Fan. I am from Minneapolis, Minnesota and I plan on pursing a major in Mechanical Engineering in the Pratt School of Engineering at Duke University.


I played Basketball, Volleyball, and Soccer in high school and have joined the Women's club basketball team at Duke. I also participated in an international robotics competition last summer (2013) in Eindhoven in the Netherlands.

Grand Challenges for Engineering

Two Large Solar Plants Planned in California, Matthew Wald, Created August 15 2008, (Make Solar Energy Economical)

Favorite MATLAB Demonstration

My Favorite demonstration was the Four Linked Tori found within the Gallary of MATLAB. This particular example is my favorite because I think that this demonstration really shows the intricate abilites of MATLAB and what this software is capable of. The Four Linked Tori was also my favorite because I found it very interesting that the code was really only 15 lines long. I thought that this multicolored group of rings wrapped around each other would require much more code that it actually did.