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About Thasos

I was born in San Antonio, Texas. I was baptized in Cyprus, the land of my father, within three months of my birth; I had a passport at the tender age of not-quite-one. Three years later my family and I moved to Houston where I spent the next ten years. I remain a Spurs and Texans fan from my years in that glorious, state-income-tax-free state. My familial unit moved to California in time for me too spend four years attending high school there.

Favorite Matlab Demonstration

My favorite of the Matlab demonstrations is the one giving instructions on 3-D plots because I am mainly used to dealing with plots and graphs in solely two-dimensional space, so it is really cool to have Matlab's flexibility and control with plotting three-dimensionally.


Grand Engineering Challenges: [1], Keith Bradsher, New York Times, updated 8/24/2009, accessed 9/15/2013, (Solar Energy)