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About Me


I was born in Paris, and I speak French and English fluently. I have lived half my life in France and half my life in the US.

Sports/Interesting Facts About Me

I am a 1st degree black belt in Taekwondo and have played soccer my entire life.


Interested in majoring in Biomedical Engineering with a minor/double major in Economics. Interested in: nature, technology, music, sports

Grand Challenges Links

Hire The Hackers (Ted Talks, filmed July 2011, posted September 2011, accessed September 19 2011) and Photosynth (Ted Talks, filmed March 2007, posted May 2007, accessed September 19 2011)

Pronunciation of my name

Sam Jactel (Samuel Jactel) - my first name is self-evident (but for sake of completeness, "sa-myu-el"), and my last name is said "JAK-tel" in English, and "jak-TEL" in French (take your pick)...

Favorite MATLAB Demo

I quite enjoyed the 3-D drawing demo, where the user's input created a vase. The interaction between creativity and technology is quite interesting, and I appreciated the complexity of the coding behind the program, which I would not have been able to do a few months ago.


--Snj6 14:34, 19 September 2011 (EDT)