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About Me

I am currently a freshman at Duke University. I hope to pursue a double major in Electrical and Computer Engineering and Economics, with the intention of pursuing a career in Developmental Economics.

Name Pronunciation

My full name is Serges Himbaza. My first name is pronounced "S-air-ge" and the "s" at the end is silent. My last name is pronounce much like it appears: "Him-baa-zaa."

Grand Challenge for Engineering Article

Solving the Problem of Clean Water for Poor Communities,Rick DelVecchio, San Francisco Chronicle, updated 13 May 2006, accessed 9 September 2012

Favorite MATLAB Demo

My favorite demo was the one on "3-D" plots. This demo was very relevant to the 3-D graphs I learned to visualize in my Microeconomics class last week. I have not often thought of data in three dimensions, however, the ability to graph more complex data sets in three dimensions, with the help of the demo, seems like a very helpful tool.