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About Me

My name is Rebecca Livingston... but you can call me Becky. I graduated from Blue Ridge High School in The Middle of Nowhere, SC. I'm a freshman in Pratt this year.

Name Pronunciation

My name is pronounced BECK-y LIV-ing-stun.

My Favorite Things

  • Italian ice
  • Venice
  • Germany
  • Bubble wrap
  • Pickles
  • Ninjas
  • The movie Baby Mama
  • Nail polish
  • Contagious laughter
  • Blowing bubbles

My Favorite Demonstration

My favorite demonstration has to be the 3D plots. Since I am in Math103 this year, I have been doing a lot of 3D graphing lately. This demo shows a great way to graph in 3 dimensions and may be helpful later in my math class.


Can We Really Reverse-Engineer the Brain by 2030?, Kyle Munkittrik, Discover Magazine, Created 24 August 2010, Accessed 23 September 2010 (Reverse-Engineer the Brain)