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My name is Ryan Mann and I'm a student in the Pratt Class of 2019 studying at Duke University. I'm from Pittsburgh and am planning on majoring in Biomedical Engineering. I like music, ultimate frisbee, and skiing, among other things.

Grand Challenges for Engineering

Here is a link that describes responses to the Grand Challenges for Engineering. It goes into media response, academic response, governmental policies, and more. It is a great overview of the immediate effects of the release of these challenges. Click the link to find out more about the effects of the Grand Challenges for Engineering. Engineering Solutions, National Society of Professional Engineers, posted March 2011, accessed September 12 2015 (Grand Challenge)

Favorite MATLAB Demonstration

My favorite MATLAB demonstration was the Loma Prieta Earthquake demonstration. I liked it because it used a real-world example to demonstrate the variety of ways MATLAB can analyze data and use the data to create visual displays. It was one of the harder ones to follow along with, but it was also the one that I found to be most interesting.