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About Me

I am from Stafford, Virginia and I am very excited to be at Duke. I hope to major in either biomedical engineering or electrical/computer engineering.

Name Pronunciation

Rachel Van Fleet is pretty simple, but it is pronounced like "RAY chul VAN FLEET" (I don't think there is a way to further break down my last name).


I played volleyball for my high school, but now I work to keep statistics for the games here at Duke. I've recently picked up rowing, so I'm excited to get further involved with that. I love to cook (solely because I love to eat), and I dabble a bit in baking as well.

Grand Challenges for Engineering

The Grand Challenges for Engineering were created by the National Academy of Engineering, and serve to explain issues in the field of engineering in the near future. I think the most interesting Grand Challenge is Secure Cyberspace which is about the issue of computer and internet security.

MATLAB Demonstrations

My favorite MATLAB demonstration is the demonstration about 2D and 3D plots. I think this is one of the most useful tutorial demonstrations because plotting is vital to any lab report. Also, the demonstration provided helpful information on labeling graphs and formatting graphs to show more than one function. Finally, the part about 3D plots was interesting because I didn't realize MATLAB could produce 3D graphs.