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About Me

Hi. My name is Becca Bau. I'm a freshman at Duke. =) My intended major is BME/ECE.

  ~ I'm from Athens, Georgia; my parents are from Taiwan.
  ~ Chocolate rocks!
  ~ I hate being sick.

Phonetic Pronunciation

Name I go by: Bek - a

Family Name: Bow (like the action you execute after a performance/ rhymes with 'Wow')


I personally liked the Minesweeper demo. There's nothing particularly academic as to why I chose it... I liked the Minesweeper demo the best because I love playing the game (even though I'm absolutely horribly slow at it and despite its accessibility as a tool for procrastination). I like the logic (though some might claim it to be simple or not there at all) the player must employ in order to win the game. To be perfectly honest, I actually hated the game up until 2 years ago when Allen taught me how to play it. Plus, when I saw the demo, it totally just made my day.

Grand Challenges for Engineering Article

Digital Tools Expand Options for Personalized Learning, Kathleen Kennedy Manzo, Education Week, updated 29 January 2010, accessed 21 September 2011 (Advance Personal Learning Grand Challenge)

--Rb90 23:25, 21 September 2011 (EDT)