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About me

My name is Rahul Chokshi. Im from a city called Ahmedabad which is located in West India and its a great place to enjoy life. I have a little brother who's name is just as hard to pronounce as mine. I have a dog named Frudo, he is a pug. I have lived in India for my entire life i.e until now.


My name is pronounced like Ra's Al Ghul without the "s Al G". It rhymes with school, cool, pool. My surname is pronounced like Chalk-si.

Educational Interests

Im planning on majoring in either Mechanical engineering or Civil engineering. This semester Im taking Writing 101-Can chimps have culture?, MATH 122L, EOS 101, EGR90L and EGR103L.

Extra-Curricular Interests

Im on the Duke varsity swim team. I swim the sprint butterfly, sprint backstroke and IM events and Im good at sprint freestyle as well. I have been swimming since the age of 5 and begun competitive swimming at the age of 9. I have continued ever since. I love watching TV and movies. I enjoy alot of other sports such as soccer, cricket and basketball.

Grand Challenges for Engineering

[1], The Hindu, created September 12, 2011, accessed September 21, 2011 (Make solar energy economical)

MATLAB Demonstration

I found the MATLAB demonstration of the Earth's topography the most interesting because it taught me how to create a two-dimensional color-contoured map of the world and how different colors can be used to represent different altitudes above and below sea level. It also taught me how this map can be used to produce a three-dimensional color-contoured model of the globe. I also learnt how to illuminate the model of the globe by adding light sources to particular locations, as if the sun was shining on just one half of it, in order to enhance the three-dimensional effect and make the figure look more realistic.