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Name Pronunciation

My name is very basic, Ryan Barnes. It is pronounced like one might think, Ry-an Barn-s.


I was born and raised in Pueblo, Colorado.


July 30, 1992

Fun Facts

  • My family owns a farm.
  • I love sports.
  • My dog's name is Lassie.
  • My middle name is Andrew.

Engineering Grand Challenges

Securing Cyberspace

National Strategy to Secure Cyberspace, Homeland Security, created February 2003, accessed 17 September 2011 (Secure Cyberspace)

Favorite Demonstration

I really liked the 3-D plots demonstration. It was very intersting to see the 3-D capabilities that MATLAB possesses. The 3-D plots express data in a very interesting and useful way; they are so pictorial that the data being analyzed jumps out at the viewer.

Rab56 18:15, 17 September 2011 (EDT)