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I am enrolled in Duke a first year engineer, taking Chemistry 101, Math 212, EGR 103, and a Sociology elective. I enjoy playing sports, specifically football and baseball. I am unsure of the exact engineering path I want to follow, but am thinking of minoring in finance. I'm from Long Island, New York and I am Yankees, Giants and Knicks fan.

Producing energy from fusion: National Geographic article:

[1], Tim Folger, National Geographic, 7/6/13, 9/12/13 (Grand Challenge)

My favorite Matlab demonstration was "Viewing a Penny." It was very surprising and interesting to learn that Matlab can load the information (topography, color) pertaining to a penny and display it on a set of axes in great detail. It was very intriguing to view the penny in the graph with the different elevation lines, where the lines are so precise that you can clearly tell that it is a map of a penny.