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About Me

I am from Waxhaw, North Carolina (a little town just south of Charlotte). I have two younger brothers and a cat whose favorite food is cantaloupe. I am currently planning on double majoring in Electrical and Computer Engineering and Computer Science. I live in Bell Tower, on the 4th floor, so I am currently getting lots of exercise climbing stairs and walking to main quad. My birthday is in May and my favorite ice cream flavor is mint chocolate chip.


I like to read and would really appreciate it if someone could explain the way the library system works here. The last good book I read was The Song of Achilles by Margaret Miller. I also play the piano; my mom is a piano teacher so I've been learning since kindergarten. My favorite class in high school was Computer Science. I'm planning on joining the robotics team here, as well as working with the Chronicle and Rival magazine. I'm also interested in religious study and linguistics, and I'm in the FOCUS program (Power of Language).

Grand Challenges for Engineering

The Rules of Cyberspace Just Got a Bit Clearer, Alex Grigsby, Defense One, 9 September 2015, accessed 13 September 2015 (Secure cyberspace)

MATLAB Demonstrations

My favorite demonstration was the Traveling Salesman example. I've coded the problem before, so I have some sense of how to accomplish it, and it was neat to see it visualized. I liked the way a viewer could see the program working through the options before settling on the shortest possible route.