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About me

My name is Alejandro Meza. I was born and raised in San Salvador, El Salvador, the smallest but greatest country in Central America. I attended the 'Escuela Americana de El Salvador' (American School of El Salvador) from Pre-K to 12th Grade. As of now, I am an Undergraduate freshman at Duke University. I will major in either 'Electrical and Computer Engineering' or 'Mechanical Engineering' at the Pratt School of Engineering. I am really happy at Duke and hope to be so throughout my four years here.



3-D Plots

My favorite demonstration is "3-D Plots" because I am a visual person and feel that I understand things better when and if I see them. I am taking Multivariable Calculus this semester and sometimes, when I can't see or visualize a 3D graph I am working on, it is hard for me to understand the problem. However, once I see or visualize the 3D graph, I can then proceed through the problem with ease. The demonstration of 3-D Graphs shows step-by-step how to plot 3D Graphs in MATLAB without any problems. Instructions must be read carefully to get the right results. The fact that MATLAB is able to create visual illusions for humans to see the images in 3D is also a reason to why I like this demonstration.


Grand Challenges for Engineering

Even in the U.S. Access to Clean Water Can Be Tough, Christen Simeral and Cat Boardman, U.S. News, 12 August 2014, accessed 21 September 2017 (Provide Access to Clean Water)