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About Me

I am from Memphis, Tennessee and recently graduated from a very small Episcopal high school. I am currently a Pratt freshman, and I plan to major in BME and be on the pre-med track. In my spare time, I love running, hiking, and doing anything outdoors.

My Name

Technically, my name is Lillian, but I actually go by my middle name, which is Miles.

Grand Challenges Article

BERKELEY / Engineering Students Make it Easy, Low-tech / Solving the Problem of Clean Water for Poor Communities, Rich DelVeccio, SFGate, created May 13 2006, accessed September 10 2014 (Grand Challenge)

My Favorite Demo

My favorite demonstration was the one on the "Bending Truss." Honestly, I just liked watching it move around, and I enjoyed changing the settings so that it would move around in different ways.