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About Me

From a small town called Cupertino, California, about 40 minutes south of San Francisco, I am currently in the Pratt School of Engineering student at Duke University, pursing a Biomedical Engineering major.

Homework 1

Researchers land $970,000 to develop clean water technology, Paul Alongi, Clemson University, created 8 September 2015, accessed 10 September 2015 (Grand Challenge)

Homework 2

The Visualizing Sound demonstration in the Graphics examples was my favorite. The MATLAB program graphed the time sequence of many different sounds we hear every day so I got to see what sound looks like. I chose this one because I never really thought of sound as something that could be depicted in a couple of graphs and pictures. I find it fascinating how MATLAB could generate these graphs and figures to make believe I can hear these sounds by just using my eyes.