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About me

My name is Jenna Freedman. I am from Weston, Florida, but originally born in New York. I am currently a member of Duke's class of 2016 and a prospective Bio-medical Engineering major.

Grand Challenge for Engineering Article

Making Personalized Medicine a Reality, Lisa A. Haile, GEN (Genetic Engineering & Biotechnology News), created 1 January 2008, accessed 9 September 2012 (Grand Challenge)

MATLAB Demonstrations

My favorite demonstration had to be the graphics demonstration on Earth's topography. First off, it surprised me that MATLAB had this function. In other programs I have been able to create two dimensional and three dimensional graphs, but never a map. The maps seem to be easily manipulated to one's specific needs and have a variety of operations. I'm glad to now have this unique option at my finger tips for future endeavors.