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About Me

My name is Hannah McDaniel, and I am currently in Engineering 103. I am a freshman at Duke University, and I am studying biomedical engineering and pre-med.

Name Pronunciation

My name is pronounced Ha-NUH Mic-DAN-e-yull. Hannah rhymes with banana and McDaniel kind of rhymes with panel, but with the wrong number of syllables.

Grand Challenges

Below is my article about the Grand Challenges of Engineering. This article specifically relates to the challenge of engineering better medicines, and describes the role of pharmaceutical science in this discipline and focus.

Favorite MATLAB Demonstration

After completing the second homework assignment, my favorite MATLAB demonstration is the "Basic Matrix Operations" tutorial because it was very useful in introducing the underlying concepts that are necessary for all MATLAB functions. The initial introduction of figures with grids, graphical representations of data, and the ways to manipulate and change matrices are fundamental in understanding how MATLAB presents the inputs the user puts into the program. This was also a helpful tutorial for understanding the Loma Prieta Earthquake example, along with future real-world applications of MATLAB concepts and matrices that will be covered in Engineering 103. Following this basic introductory tutorial, the Loma Prieta Earthquake tutorial was my next favorite tutorial because it synthesized multiple mathematical concepts covered in the earlier tutorials and created a more comprehensive understanding of how various functions of MATLAB work in conjunction with each other.