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Hi! My name is Eric Wei, pronounced Er-ic Wey like "whey protein" or "that way" and I'm from Fairfax, Virginia. I love playing the violin and reading (Percy Jackson and Rick Riordan still get me every time). My interests are pretty eclectic and include Marketplace, Freakonomics, Indie/Alternative music, politics, classical, movie soundtracks, photography, NPR, Game of Thrones, Man in the High Castle, Violin, Sherlock, HIMYM, GoT, The Walking Dead and Daredevil. I just finished Stranger Things and I am going to end up pulling my hair out waiting for the next season to be released.

In terms of more professional interests, I am pretty geared towards consulting and other similar business oriented fields.

Right now, I plan on majoring in Biomedical Engineering with a minor in econ but anything can happen in the next four years!

I am so excited to be here at Duke. Go Blue Devils!

Grand Challenges

A new twist on fusion power could help bring limitless clean energy, Matthew Hole, Science X Network, Published January 17, 2017, Accessed September 21, 2017 (Provide Energy from Fusion)

This article discussed the two most recent advances in nuclear fusion technology, the tokamak and the stellarator designs. I found such a layman's discussion very useful in conveying very complex topics to a wider audience beyond that of nuclear physicists.


My favorite Matlab demonstration involved the 2-D plots. This was mainly due to the sheer informativeness of the demonstration. There were graph varieties I had never even heard of before such as stairstep plots that were enlightened upon me. It was also a very easy to understand and straightforward demonstration which truly helped my comprehension.