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Hi I'm Diego!

I come from El Salvador, a very small country in Central America. I have two brothers, an older and a younger one. The older one is currently attending the University of Chicago, and the younger one is in middle school. I also have three dogs, and I miss them.

I really like reading and programming.

Grand Challenges for Engineering

Carbon-Eating Bacteria Could Be One Answer to Climate Change, Grennan Milliken, VICE, 3 November 2016, accessed 21 September 2017 (Carbon Sequestration)

MATLAB Demonstration

The Loma Prieta Earthquake is my favorite MATLAB demonstration. Since earthquakes are such a common ocurrence in El Salvador, I have always been interested in the science and math behind them. Seeing how MATLAB is used to analyze earthquake data is extremely interesting to me, and really makes me realize the power of MATLAB. It can literally be used to analyze everything! Moreover, earthquakes make me feel at home.