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About Me

I am from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania and I am currently a freshman at Duke University in the Pratt School of Engineering.

Name Pronunciation

My name is pronounced quite the wait it is written Craig Madrak

Academic Interests

I am planning on majoring in Biomedical Engineering. I am also interested in physics and mathematics. I am planning on double majoring in BME and Physics. I am also interested in doing the pre-med track since I aspire to be a physician.

Other Interests

I enjoy playing tennis, swimming, reading, learning new things (however general that might be).

Grand Challenge for Engineering

[http :// pundit . pratt . duke . edu / wiki / User : DukeEgr93],Sally Adee, Created June 1, 2008, Accessed September 15, 2014 (Grand challenge) I chose this article because it was rather interesting to me. I plan on going into BME and medicine so naturally I was drawn to this article. But I have a particular interest in the brain, so this was a good read.


I found the 2-D and 3-D Plots demo to be the most interesting and helpful. It provides information on how to plot different graphs in MATLAB which will prove very helpful in many classes, not just EGR103. For example, the 3-D graphs are very helpful for my multivariable calculus class, since some of the surfaces are really hard to conceptualize and draw.