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About Me

I'm Megan Schonberg. I am from a suburb just outside of Dallas, Texas, and I am the oldest of three siblings. I love to dance, especially ballet, and I plan to continue to dance throughout college.

Why Duke

I visited Duke for the first time in mid-April for Blue Devil Days, after I'd been accepted. Two weeks after seeing the campus for the first time, I committed. My visit made it clear that Duke was (and is) the perfect school for me. I love the people, the campus, the location, the sports, the rigor, and the opportunity to study both engineering and dance.

My Classes

This semester I am taking 5.0 credits. I am overloading because of my goal of double-majoring with dance and either biomedical or electrical engineering. I am currently taking Chemistry 101, Calculus 111, Music for Dancers, Ballet IV, Pointe Repertory, and, of course, Engineering 103. I am in class about 26 hours each week.


I hope to get involved in religious, engineering, and/or service-related groups during my time here at Duke. So far, I have auditioned for and joined a dance group called Defining Movement (DefMo), which will allow me to grow as a dancer and continue to perform as often as (if not more than) I did in high school.

Grand Challenges for Engineering

How Virtual Crime Scenes Work, Jonathan Strickland, HowStuffWorks, updated 31 August 2007, accessed 14 September 20014 (Grand Challenge)

Basic Matrix Operations

My favorite MATLAB Operation demonstration was the Basic Matrix Operations demonstration. It was my favorite because it provided the most pertinent information for me. I could also imagine using the matrix operations for real world situations and math in my calculus class. These operations allow one to combine data, perform mathematical oprations on data, and plot data. I liked this page because it was straightforward, informative, and useful.