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A little bit about me

Hello everyone--my name is Lavanya Bakshi. I am from Portland, Oregon and interested in majoring in either BME or Mechanical Engineering.

External link

Fusion Power: Will It Ever Come?, William E. Parkins, Science Magazine, updated 10 March 2006, accessed 26 August 2009 (Grand Challenge)

My favorite MATLAB demonstration

My favorite demonstration was the one on Earth's Topography. I am deeply interested in ecology and geology, so I definitely enjoyed learning about programming, an entire new yet valuable skill for me to acquire, while seeing how one could apply programming skills to portray an entity so educational about the Earth as well as its topography and geology. I also enjoyed learning about the various ways in which one could detail the various facets of the ultimate product of the programming, those ways including the code for the distributed lighting on the globe, the variations in color to portray altitude or depth, and the dimensions and shape of the globe.

-Additionally, I could not complete the survey because I just learned that I didn't have information about the survey sent to my email, even though other people did get that email. And since the deadline to do the survey has passed (even though I thought I could do it by Sept. 15), I can't complete it. I may not have received the email because I enrolled in the EGR class late. Could there be some way for me to access that survey? If there isn't, then I will just say that all of the a's in my first and last name are pronounced as one would pronounce the a in 'pawn.' In my first name, Lavanya, stress goes on the -van. In my last name, Bakshi, stress goes on the Bak-. Thank you!