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My name is Joseph Kaiser. I am a first-year Pratt student, so I am taking EGR103 this semester. I like watching sunsets and long walks on the beach.

\( a^2+b^2=c^2 \)

LifeStraw Saves Those Without Access to Clean Drinking Water, The New York Times, Jascha Hoffman, updated September 26, 2011, accessed September 13, 2015 (Provide Access to Clean Water)

My favorite MATLAB demo was the Loma Prieta Earthquake demo, since I am from the Bay Area and my parents both experienced the earthquake. I also found it interesting how seismograph data in three dimensions could be manipulated using integrals to find out how much an arbitrary point on the ground during the earthquake moved through space (it was on the order of a few centimeters in each direction).