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Introducing Myself

Hello everybody, I'm Zhan Wu. I'm from Beijing, China. I'm studying here at the Pratt School of Engineering at Duke University and I'm still undecided when it comes to my major, but I'm leaning towards Biomedical Engineering. I've lived in Germany for 8 years and the rest of my life (so far) in China, so I'm very fluent with Chinese and German.

How to Pronounce My Name

My name is actually quite easy to pronounce, Zhan is pronounced exactly as "John"(the pronounciation matches that of one of the most popular names in the US). "Wu" pretty much is pronounced like "Woo".

University Courses I'm Currently Taking

1. EGR 103L Computational Methods in Engineering(EGR 103L Official Class Website)
2. CHEM 201L Organic Chemistry (Duke University Chemistry Department)
3. PSY 101 Introductory Psychology (Duke University Psychology & Neuroscience Department)
4. MATH 212 Multivariable Calculus (Duke University Mathematics Department)

The Grand Challenges for Engineering