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Dutch Waanders' Pratt Pundit Page


Chemistry. (I grew up taking things apart to see how they work, and chemists take things ALL the way apart.) Sailing Eating Most anything free

Name Pronunciation \\ My first name is pronounced just like the language/nationality (NOT COUNTRY), and my last name (despite the double a) is pronounced just like the word "wanders". in all: Duhch won-ders.

Homework 1 Research Grand Engineering Challenge: Engineer Better Medicines Liver Gene Therapy: Advances and Hurdles, TH Nguyen and N Ferry, updated 2004, accessed September 22, 2011 (Engineer Better Medicines)

Homework 2 Research I personally found two demos to be absolutely fascinating: the game of life and the traveling salesman. the game of life had set results for so many potential occurances, and with just a few intial life forms (and a lot of luck) the whole screen could be bloomling with life in seconds. As for the traveling salesman, I was impressed with the speed at which the shortest path between 50 cities was calculated... but if I was a traveling salesman, I'm sure I would get more use out of the minesweeper demo.