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Revision as of 03:30, 23 September 2011 by Cw171 (talk | contribs)
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My name is Caroline Williams. Pronounced CARE-line WILL-yums (none of this Care-LYNN business, but like the state in which Duke is located except without the 'A' at the end)

About Me

  • Current student of The Pratt School of Engineering.
  • Future Civil Engineer in the making
  • Wanna be limerick writer

Grand Challenge

[1],Science Daily,updated 13 Sept 2011, accessed 21 Sept 2011 (Restore and Improve Urban Infrastructure).


  • My favorite demo was the the code for the Klein bottle and the Teapot under 3D visualization. I enjoyed these in particular because it reminded me of a topology course I once took about how coffee cups and donuts are the same thing. The Klein bottle seems to be an advanced version of the mobius strip that is now more like a mobius cylinder and thus impossible to actually create in our 3D dimension.