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Hi, welcome to the user page of Pratt student, Rhino184, otherwise known as Dylan Ryan. My username is Rhino184 because my nickname on the wrestling team is rhino and the weight class I plan on wrestling is 184. I plan on studying biomedical engineering while at Duke with either a minor or double major in chemistry as well. Here is a brief list of information about me:

  • I am from Brentwood, New Hampshire, which is in the seacoast area of the state
  • I am 19 years old with my birthday being July 21, 1992
  • I am a big Boston fan
    • That is the Red Sox, Patriots, Bruins, and Celtics
  • I am a big sports fan in general
    • I have a slight addiction to ESPN
  • In high school I wrestled and played football
  • As a kid I rooted against Duke Basketball because I've always been a big UConn fan
    • I don't plan on cheering against them now
  • As of right now I hope to get a job in the pharmaceutical industry after graduating from Duke