Existence and Identity
I probably exist, which is possibly more than can be said for solutions in general to the Navier–Stokes equations, and you can probably figure out who I am by reading the rest of this page (if you know me well enough) or you are in a position in which you can look at relevant computer data.
General Message
Ignore the fact that complex numbers are not comparable.
Failed to parse (: Invalid response ("Math extension cannot connect to Restbase.") from server "":): {\displaystyle {{1} \over {3}}{e^{-{{3i\pi} \over {2}}}} < \int\limits_{0}^{u} dx }
No Understanding Here
Here is something about the coupling of an open string to a D-brane or a Kalb–Ramond field or some such craziness:
Failed to parse (: Invalid response ("Math extension cannot connect to Restbase.") from server "":): {\displaystyle S=-\int d\tau d\sigma\frac{\partial X^{\mu}}{\partial\tau}\frac{\partial X^{\nu}}{\partial\sigma}B_{\mu\nu}\left(X\left(\tau,\sigma\right)\right)+\int d\tau A_{m}\left(X\right)\left.\frac{dX^{m}}{d\tau}\right|_{\sigma=\pi}-\int d\tau A_{m}\left(X\right)\left.\frac{dX^{m}}{d\tau}\right|_{\sigma=0} }
Certain... friends would call that "pretty." With LaTeX, maybe. But still, there is no understanding here.
Clearly Somebody is Awesome
Look where "User:root" at Wikipedia redirects to! I would have taken that user name here, except it seemed a bit megalomaniacal, and (more importantly) "root" looks bad with an uppercase R.