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About me...

My name is Atthaka Techawatanawana. I know it is pretty long. Its a Thai name. You can call me Prae as well. It is a lot easier. I am a freshmen at Duke university, studying engineering and thinking of BME as a major. I am from Pegram, a performing arts dorm. It is pretty cool. I get to hear everyone sings at night which I love it even though I am not an artist. Duke is awesome! I really love it here.


Name Pronunciation

My name is Atthaka Techawatanawana. The way I pronounce it is... ATT-tah-kaa TAE-sha-wa-ta-na-wa-na. I guess this is too hard to say if you are not Thai. My nick name is Prae, which pronounces like PRAY but with the e instead of the y.

My Favorite Demonstration In DEMO section, I found that Viewing a Penny is my favorite demonstration. I think it is really cool. We can draw a coin in the program and use 15 copper colors. We can also plot a pseudo-color with color-map so that we can see the image of the coin which looks like it in a photograph. Moreover, we can plot a 3-D graph of the coin to see the surface of it as well.

Grand Challenges Article Prevent Nuclear Terror, National Academy of Engineering, accessed 20 September 2010 (Nuclear Terror)