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Revision as of 18:21, 28 September 2022 by Ashleycurwin (talk | contribs)
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About Me

My name is Ashley Curwin and I am from New York City. I have two older sisters and attended the Lycée Francais de New York, a french international school. There, a large percentage of my classes were taught in french, and we took the French Baccalaureat at the end of our junior and senior years. I am currently a student at Duke University, studying in the Pratt School of Engineering. I plan on majoring in Biomedical Engineering, but that might change.

Name Pronunciation

My name is pronounced "ASH-lee KER-win". (The phonetic spelling is kind of unnecessary, it is said the way it is spelled)


For the Fall 2022 semester, I am taking the following courses :

  • Chem 101
  • Math 111
  • EGR 103
  • EGR 101

Grand Challenges External Link

[1], Baron Singh, MIT Technology Review, 1 June 2005, accessed 18 January 2009 (Reverse-engineer the brain)