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About Me

Hi my name is Pranav. I am a freshman in Pratt, and am currently undecided about which specific engineering discipline I want to major in.

Future Plans

I plan on joining some clubs related to engineering such as Duke AMA. I'd also like to find a research opportunity to experience what doing research is like. Alternatively, I'd like to get a job as a source of income -- preferably something related to STEM. Maybe I'll keep this page updated with how these plans are going.

Grand Challenge Article

[1], Fabienne Lang , Interesting Engineering , June 9, 2020 , September 17, 2022 (Reverse-Engineer the Brain)

This article was particularly interesting as it shows how similar artificial brains can be to those of humans. The article also revealed how far we have come in the development of artificial intelligence. Personally, I was surprised by the fact that people had reached a point at which they understood artificial brains needed sleep, and that to induce stable sleeping a sort of white noise needed to be utilized.