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Revision as of 04:24, 11 September 2022 by Samarab (talk | contribs) (A brief about me page along with my grand challenge link)
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About Me

My name is Samara Brogan and I am from Weiner, Arkansas. I intend to major in BME (Biomedical Engineering) with a pre-med track at Duke University.

Name Pronunciation

My name is pronounced, "Suh-marr-uh Bro-gen" which comes from The Ring (2002).


I enjoy:

  • reading
  • painting
  • crocheting
  • performing in orchestras

Grand Challenge

I personally felt connected with the "advancing personalized learning" grand challenge and found this article which explains how to apply general information into algorithms to allow technology to learn what are normally conceived as "common-sense" topics. Common sense-based applications to advance personalized learning