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About Me

My name is Alexa Cristelle and I am from Michigan. I am a student in the [Pratt School of Engineering] and I plan on studying [Biomedical Engineering]. In the future, I'd like to become a biomedical engineer with a focus in biomolecular and tissue engineering. I would like to do research in Computation Biology & Bioinformatics and possibly study abroad while I am here.

Name Pronunciation

My full name is Alexa Cristelle Cahilig which sounds like "uh-lex-uh chris-tell cuh-heel-lig". An easy way to remember the pronounciation is that my name is Alexa like the [Amazon Echo].

Interests and Hobbies

  • I like to paint and draw
  • I play piano
  • I like making playlists

Grand Challenges

[Inhalable therapy may produce drugs in the lungs], Stuart Nathan, The Engineer, 7 January 2019, Accessed 29 September 2021 (Engineer Better Medicines)