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Hi! My name is Lindsey Lovitt and I am in the Duke class of 2021. The simplest thing to put on this page might just be intended major, but right now that's a bit unclear for me. I am currently enrolled in Trinity as a chemistry major, but I am now looking into transferring to Pratt for Biomedical Engineering. The one thing I'm sure of in regards to my future is medical school, which means I'm looking forward to the BME/pre-med life (or death). When I'm not frantically latexing my document for the 12th time-because my code should run but for some reason it doesn't-you can find me tenting in kville, working in the Department of Virology, or playing with the laser cutter in the co-lab. My other interests include singing, playing guitar, and poetry. If you ever see me around, feel free to say hi (because I still need someone to ask me to E-ball).