User:Vincent Liu

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Revision as of 20:30, 15 September 2017 by Vincent Liu (talk | contribs)
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About Me

I am Vincent Liu. I am from Chengdu, China, and I went to high school in Charlotte for two years. I am currently undecided about my engineering major, but I am enjoying EGR103 and constantly exploring.

Name Pronunciation

My Chinese name is Jie Liu. "Jie" sounds like "Jay", but the tone is upward. "Liu" sounds like "Leo", but with upward tone as well.

Grand Challenges for Engineering

CRISPR-Cas systems for editing, regulating and targeting genomes, Jeffry D Sander & J Keith Joung, updated 2 March 2014, accessed 15 September 2017 (Engineering Better Medicines)

My Favorite MATLAB Demo

My favorite MATLAB demonstration is Earth's Topography. It builds up gradually, from 2-D plot of continents' contours to colormap and then to 3-D plot with all the data. The command it uses are pretty cool, such as 'props' and 'light'. With these simple lines of code, an amazing globe suddenly appears.