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Stormstout is a family name for Pandarians living on the continent of Pandaria, the last continent to be discovered by other residents of Azeroth. Stormstouts are brewers of exceptionally good beer, gin and Chinese Moutai. Well-known members of the family include Chen Stormstout, who helped Thrall and Rexxar in the early period of buidling Orggrimar.

Secret Recipe

Stormstouts would rather fight a Mogu than tell you that.

Grand Challenges in Engrineering: Engineering Better Medicine

New Era of Personalized Medicine, Robert Langreth and Michael Waldholz, the Oncologist, April 16 1999, accessed on September 12 2017 (Engineering Better Medicines)

MATLAB Demonstrations

The demonstration I loved the most is "Modeling a Distributed Traffic Control System Using Messages". The designed GUI is very cool and user-friendly.