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My name is Charlie Hansen-Reed and I am from Bellevue Nebraska. I am 18 years old and I am intending to major in Mechanical Engineering at Duke University.


In my free time in Nebraska I work a lot with my hands, blacksmithing, knife making, cabinetry work, and much more. I also am an avid outdoorsman and usually end up camping or backpacking three or four weeks out of the year at least. I also have a group of friends that I go shooting with on the weekends. Music is also a big part of my life and when at home if I am not in my 600 sq. foot workshop I can usually be found playing the piano, harmonica, guitar, or trumpet. I am also in the process of learning to play the flute and the violin, but life has gotten a bit busy for that now!

Extra Curricular

In high school I played first trumpet in the marching band, played as first chair trumpet in the pit orchestra, and was the pianist for the top jazz group. I also shot trap on the schools topmost squad, competed in an engineering/design competition successfully, and became an eagle scout.

Extra Bits

Filling up space so I can see what the table of contents looks like.

More Stuff

Same as above!