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About Me

My name is Annie Williams, and I am a freshman here at Duke. I am from Columbia, South Carolina. I intend to major in Biomedical Engineering and possibly minor in Math while at Duke. I enjoy playing volleyball and lacrosse recreationally and love Barbra Streisand. Go Blue Devils!

Grand Challenges of Engineering Article

Upon researching the Grand Challenges of Engineering, I found the following an article on solar energy and the efforts engineers are making to make it an economically viable option: Making Solar Energy Economical, National Instruments Corporation, updated 04 June 2013, accessed 12 September 2015

MATLAB Demonstrations

Of all of the MATLAB demonstrations I viewed, the Earth's Topography demonstration was my favorite because it is interesting to see just how much MATLAB can do with the data it pulled. I was also impressed by the lighting features that we available to make the sphere look more like the globe and by the fact that MATLAB can turn the 2D plot into a 3D sphere.