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About Me

Howdy! My name is Jaret and I come to the AWESOME place called Duke University from McGregor Texas. I'm majoring in Mechanical Engineering here at Duke. I am a Christian and try to live my life by the verse Colossians 3:23, which says, "Whatever you do, do it with all your heart, not as unto man but as unto the Lord." I love basketball (playing it, watching it, talking it, whatever), running, listening to music, and just hanging out with friends and family. I am blessed to be able to say I go to Duke, the greatest university in the world. As always, GTHC and GO DUKE!!!


My name is Jaret White. Jaret (JARE-it) sounds like ferret, but with a "j" or, Jared with a "t." White (WITE), my last name, is just like the color. Pretty simple.


Grand Challenges Engineering (HW1)

A Challenge to America: Develop Fusion Power Within a Decade, Forbs, updated 2 April 2013, accessed 14 September 2014, (Provide energy from fusion)

My Favorite Demonstration (HW2)

My favorite demonstration is the Minesweeper demo. I really thought it was cool to be able to play a game in MATLAB, but that's not the only reason this is my favorite demonstration. Before this assignment, I had it in my head that MATLAB wasn't really a true language and was only meant for math and science porblem solving. I thought the programming capabilities were very limited and basic. This demonstration showed me otherwise. To be able to create and run a program that is interactive and fun is really cool, and it really opened my eyes to the depth and capabilities of MATLAB. I'm really excited now to learn MATLAB more and more and find new things it is capable of. Being able to code to complete a challenge or task is so rewarding, and to be able to create a game through codes seems even more awesome. This demonstration is my favorite because it really opened my eyes to the possibilities MATLAB holds and has increased my apetite to learn more and dive deeper into MATLAB and coding in general.