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My name is Vincent Bivona. I am a freshman-year Duke student from Staten Island, New York intending to pursue a major in Mechanical Engineering.

This is an article from Forbes, written by Matthew Herper, that covers the philanthropic efforts of Paul Allen in his quest to "reverse engineer the brain". As the 20th richest man in America today, Allen has personally funded a number of scientific projects that have contributed greatly to the the fields of genetics and neuroscience:

[1], Matthew Herper, Forbes, updated 18 September 2012, accessed 13 September 2014 (Grand Challenge)

Homework 2: MATLAB Help and Demonstrations

My favorite MATLAB demonstration is the 2-D and 3-D Plots demonstration. I found it useful in developing the skills necessary to represent data graphically in the form of line plots, 3-D Plots, and subplots. In engineering experiments, I find it important to be able to represent data results visually so it can be clearly analyzed. For this reason, I found the functions and commands introduced in this demonstration extremely important.