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Revision as of 20:55, 11 September 2014 by Tangerines (talk | contribs)
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About Me

Hi guys! I'm not really going to put too much here. I will just say that I like tangerines and that in my free time, I like to sleep and eat like everyone else, and my additional interests include table tennis, violin and piano and music in general, and of course, the Internet. In my extra free time, that I usually don't get that often, I also enjoy trolling.
On an additional note, there isn't really a reason I picked the username 'tangerines' except for I like tangerines and I have used this username for a few other random things already.

Goals and Aspirations

I am currently planning on majoring in ECE and CS, with possibly a minor in Math or Finance, not really sure about that yet. After that, I am actually not sure what I will do, I guess it will depend, as I cannot exactly predict what will happen that far in the future. I may want to get an MBA. Whatever happens, I hope I will have a successful career that I really enjoy.

Grand Challenges Article

Nanowires May Boost Solar Cell Efficiency, Daniel Kane, UC San Diego Jacobs School of Engineering, 13 May 2008, Accessed 11 September 2014 (Grand Challenge)

Favorite MATLAB Demonstration

My favorite MATLAB demo was the one on