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About Me

Hey guys, I'm a freshman at Duke University part of the Class of 2013. Oh yeah! I am currently in the Pratt School of Engineering at Duke and am in the direction of majoring in ECE followed by two minors in BME and French hopefully. As far as computers go, I've been in love since I was three. I'm sorry to window users but I'm a huge mac person. As far as personal skills in computers, I have about four years of experience in the premium Adobe suite and Autodesk Maya. I also have roughly about five years of experiences in programming. Over the years, I have written in MEL(Maya Embedded Language), C++, Java, C#, XAML(silverlight), and C - and I guess technically html but who hasn't.

My Grand Challenge Link

Here Comes the Sun -- and Its Power, Fred White, 10 July 2007, 27 August 2009 (Grand Challenge)