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Hey guys, my name is Alec Mazzuckelli, and I would like to share a little bit about myself. I am currently a Freshman at Duke University, and I hail from Alpharetta, GA (25 minutes North of Atlanta). For now, my prospective majors are Mechanical Engineering and Economics with a concentration in Finance.

What I Like To Do

I'm an outdoorsy guy, I love hanging out and camping. My favorite things to do outside are mountain biking and whitewater kayaking. Whitewater kayaking is really my forte, and I'd give up a lot to be able to paddle more often (although not my Duke education of course). I also like to run a lot and am pretty much up for anything.


As the year goes on, I will post updates about what's going on here at Duke!

Grand Challenges

Duke plays a big part in an initiative to tackle important problems in engineering today. These are called the National Academy of Engineering Grand Challenges. The grand challenge I am interested in is "Making Solar Energy Economical". I think that alternative energy is becoming ever more important as time goes on. For an example of an article pertaining to this challenge, check out this link: Next stop for solar cell technology: your clothing, perhaps, The Hindu, created September 12, 2011, accessed September 4, 2013 (Make solar energy economical)