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Sarah Clark

About Me

I am from Richmond, Virginia and attended Collegiate School for high school. Currently, I am a freshman at Duke University in the Pratt School of Engineering.I plan to major in biomedical engineering with a minor in economics, and I am also pre-med.

Name Pronunciation

Sarah Clark. Fairly straighforward, but completely original...


This fall I am taking:

Honors Chemistry 110
Multivariable Calculus 212
Engineering 103
Writing 101- Writing about social movements

Clubs and Interests

The following is a list of clubs I am involved in and some of my interests:

Club Field Hockey
Club Running
Society of Women Engineers
Admissions Ambassadors
Cooking and Eating

Grand Challenges for Engineering

The National Academy of Engineering presents the Grand Challenges for Engineering.

Here is an article about one:
Making Personalized Medicine a Reality Lisa A. Haile, Genetic Engineering & Biotechnology News, updated 1 January 2008, accessed 04 September 2013 (Grand Challenge)

MATLAB Demonstrations

My favorite MATLAB demonstration is the Grapichs 3-D Plots. This is because I was able to manipulate the layout of the plot and change the format, causing the graph to look more interesting. "Plot Type" changes the layout of the graph. Color and shading can also be manipulated. This graph is something I have seen in science and math textbooks in high school. It is exciting knowing that I will be able to code and create them using data from experiments I conduct or data I am given. There are many possible 3-D graphs that I will soon be able to make using the skills I learn from coding in MATLAB.