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About Angela

Hello! My name is Seo Hee Cho and I go by Angela!

I'll just list simple 5 things about me.

1. First and foremost, I am a daughter of God.

2. I'm Korean!

3. I love Almond Joys.

4. My favorite color is yellow.

5. I love music!

Grand Challenges for Engineering

Of the fourteen Grand Challenges for Engineering, the one that interests me the most is "reverse engineer the brain". The following link will share more information on this topic., Myles Gough, Cosmos, created 8 March 2011, accessed 10 September 2012

Favorite Demo

My favorite demo was "Viewing a Penny" because it shows how versatile Matlab can be with its many different applications. Matlab is not just a program for matrices or simple math; it can do so much more!