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About Me

My name is Reyina Senatus. I'm an ECE major (hopefully)! I love dancing, sleeping, hanging out with my friends. Oh, and I LOVE DUKE! It's amazing (and Bassett is the best). And I love EGR (and I'm not just saying that because this an EGR assignment).

Grand Challenges

Self-Design Allow Students to Chart Unique Courses of Study, Lafayette College, created 07 May 2012, accessed 09 September 2012 (General)

MATLAB 2-D Plot Demo

This Demo was my favorite because I think it will be the most useful demo since I'm in Math class and I will need to use comuputer programs to plot and I really don't like MAPLE. Also, it shows you different types of plots like stem plots. I usually graph stem plots by hand on a polar coordinate and I really don't like doing that so being able to use MATLAB for stem plots would be really nice.