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Not-so-personal Biography

Tianyu (Tim) Bai was brought into existence in Beijing, China on January 31, 1994. After spending much time in Canada, Texas and California, he is currently attempting to graduate from Duke University while still maintaining his personal penchants for numbers, pen-spinning, and stuffed animals. He knows pi to 39 digits after the decimal point (without consulting a computer). He has yet to work on e.

Grand Challenges Article (HW1)

Scientists Unveil New Cheap Solar Cell Design, Roxanne Palmer, International Business Times, updated 23 May 2012, accessed 8 September 2012 (Make Solar Energy Economical).

Favorite MATLAB Demo (HW2)

The best demonstration by far was when MATLAB showed how to load topographical data of the Earth and used it to create a globe. I liked it not only because it was an interesting and accurate model of the globe but also because it shows that MATLAB has the capability to map out highly complex 3D structures and images that I didn't expect it to. This demonstration showed me that the numbers and commands we have been inputting during lectures can actually amount to a very visually appealing final product that is far more fascinating than matrices.