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About Me

My name is Michael Maranzano (My-kull Mare-an-za-no). I am a member of the class of 2013 currently pursuing a major in Biomedical Engineering, with a minor in Cultural Anthropology, and a certificate in Global Health. I am from Sterling Heights, MI. I am a TA for EGR103 Lab Section 5, Group C.

I studied abroad in Spring 2011 in Udaipur, Rajasthan, India and Beijing, China as a part of the Duke Global Semester Abroad Program. I also did Duke in Berlin, summer session 1 2011. I spent Summer 2012 in Arusha, Tanzania working on my Pratt Fellows project, a heat-sealed foil pouch for single doses of medication.

Grand Challenge Article

First Solar to Build World’s Largest Solar Power Plant in China, John Duce and Indira A.R. Lakshmanan, Bloomberg, created 09 Sep 2009, accessed 09 Sep 2009 (Make solar energy economical)