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Revision as of 22:03, 23 September 2010 by Samuel.miller (talk | contribs)
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Introduction Hello,

My name is Sam. I love sports (gooo Falcons!), cooking (mmmm paella), movies (zoolander is a funny one), and someday I want to be an astronaut.

I am very friendly so just say hi!


Grand Challenges of Engineering UCF Researchers Studying How Virtual Reality Can Influence Fire Policies, Chad Binette, University of Central Florida, updated 6 June 2007, accessed 22 September 2010 (Enhance Virtual Reality)

Favorite MATLAB Demo My favorite MATLAB Demonstration was that of the three-dimensional knot. When I was younger, I used to be obsessed with optical illusions, and would really appreciate a quality three-dimensional effect. This program explains how to create such an image in MATLAB and I hope I get to use this function this year. Additionally, the current lab I am working on requires the use of plotting. The initial steps in this demonstration assisted me with plotting syntax.